Blackboard Analytics - Login and Password Reset Instructions

Blackboard Analytics - Login and Password Reset Instructions

This article overviews the steps needed to login to Blackboard Analytics, how to enroll for self-service password reset, and if needed, how to self-reset your password.

Resources needed to complete these steps:

 Self-Service Password Enrollment Instructions

Enrolling in this service is important as it will allow you to change your password, or reset it if forgotten. This is not the same login as other common CBU systems, such as InsideCBU or email. If you do not enroll in this service, you will need to request assistance from Information Technology Services and may experience a delay time.

  1. Browse to the Blackboard Analytics account management portal: https://manage-aws-bbpr.blackboard.com/

  2. Login with your username and password. You do not need to prefix your username, or add any suffix such as @calbaptist.edu.

    1. If you are a first time user, use the temporary credentials provided to you by Information Technology Services.


  3. Select Enroll on the pop-up screen advertising password self-service.


  4. You may then select either Security Questions or Google Authenticator. Security Questions is the recommended selection covered in these steps.

  5. Set your security questions using the drop down menus and answer fields. When finished, select Next.

  6. You will receive confirmation that you have enrolled successfully.


  7. Select the Change Password tab

  8. Enter your current password in the Old Password field.

    1. For first time users, this is your given temporary password.

  9. Enter your new desired password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, taking care to follow the password complexity rules outlined.


  10. Finally, select Change Password.

Note: To modify your security questions or enrollment type, you may revisit these steps using the Enrollment tab at the top of the screen in the Blackboard Analytics account management portal.

 Login Instructions

Follow the given steps to login to the Blackboard Analytics service.

First time users: Enroll in self-service password reset and set a new permanent password before attempting login.

  1. Browse to Blackboard Analytics: https://cbap-analytics.blackboard.com:33001/Reports/browse/

  2. Enter your username and password in the sign-in pop up. You do not need to prefix your username, or add any suffix such as @calbaptist.edu .


  3. Select Sign In.

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