Bulk Course Availability Reporting in Blackboard Analytics

Bulk Course Availability Reporting in Blackboard Analytics

This article overviews how to generate a report detailing bulk course availability in Blackboard Learn, using Blackboard Analytics. Course availability is the feature in Blackboard Learn that toggles whether enrolled students can view and access the course.

Courses begin in a default unavailable state some time before instruction begins, allowing the instructor time to make final edits. When ready, they are released by instructors by changing the setting from Unavailable to Available.

The following role and access are required to proceed:

  1. Program Director or equivalent university role.

  2. Account in Blackboard Analytics*.

If you lack any of these items, please contact your supervisor referencing this article.
*Provided by Information Technology Services by request of manager via email to helpdesk@calbaptist.edu .


  1. Log in to Blackboard Analytics

    1. Login link: https://cbap-analytics.blackboard.com:33001/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2FAnalytics+for+Learn+Reports&ViewMode=List

  2. Browse to Analytics for Learn Reports

  3. Select the report titled Learn Course Use by College_Original



  4. Using the drop down menus at the top of the report, set the following:

    1. Term: Current Term

      1. Ex: Fall 2022

    2. Course Status: All


  5. On the right-hand side of the page, select the View Report button to run the report.

  6. Locate the Main Campus or OPS row, then select the hyperlinked numerical value in column 2 of that row to filter by that program type.

    1. Ex: To filter by Main Campus courses, select 2548. To filter by OPS courses, select 527. For both OPS and Main Campus, select 3075 in the Grand Total row.

  7. The Learn Course Use Details report is shown, detailing course availability in column 2, Learn Course Available. If the course is available, a Yes is displayed. If the course is unavailable, a No is displayed.


This live report is interactive and can be filtered using this interface, or downloaded to filter further in Excel. Instructions for both methods are included below.

Report filtering options

  1. Select the arrows icon next to any column header to re-order the list based on alphabetical A-Z, or Z-A.

    1. Ex: Use the arrow next to Learn Course Available to quickly locate unavailable courses with a No value.


  2. To find the email address of the instructor, select the hyperlinked instructor name in column 10, Primary Instructor.

    1. This runs the Instructor At A Glance report. Email value is shown at the top of the report under General Information.

    2. You can navigate using the Back button of your browser to the prior reporting screen.

  3. If additional filtering is desired, you may download the report using the Save icon, which offers a variety of available formats.


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