Integrating Zoom in your Blackboard Course

Integrating Zoom in your Blackboard Course

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Zoom within your Blackboard course.

If you have additional unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk using any of the following methods:


If you are a faculty member that is actively teaching in the current term and do not have access to your CBU Zoom account, please contact the Help Desk.


 Adding the Zoom tool link to your course

  1. Go to https://calbaptist.blackboard.com/ and open your Blackboard course.

  2. On the left hand navigation menu, hover over the '+' and select Tool Link.

  3. Fill out the fields:

    • Name: the name you want displayed for the tool link.

    • Type: Select Zoom.

    • Available to Users: Check this option to allow students to access the tool link.

  4. Hit Submit.

  5. The Zoom Tool Link will now appear in the navigation menu:

 Accessing the Zoom Tool Link

Using the Zoom Tool Link you can:

  1. Access old and new meetings.

  2. Access and publish cloud recordings.

  3. Schedule new meetings.

Please note scheduled meetings will only show up in Blackboard if they are scheduled from Blackboard. Meetings scheduled outside of Blackboard (directly through the Zoom app, for example) will not appear in Blackboard.

Instructor view:

Student view: