Using the Zoom Outlook Add-In
Once you have installed the Zoom Outlook add-in, you will be
Instructions for Signing in
Open Outlook
Create a new Calendar event
Click on the Zoom icon located on the toolbar
If you do not see this icon, click on the 3 dots menu, then choose customize toolbar. Follow the instructions to add Zoom to the toolbar. If you do not see Zoom, you will need to add it by following these instructions.
Choosing “Settings” from the menu
You will be prompted to sign in to your Zoom account.
Choose the SSO option and sign in using your username and password
Enter “calbaptist-edu” in the field for company domain then click the continue button
You will then complete the process by signing in on our CBU login screen
You will receive a success message when you have completed the log in process. Now you can schedule a meeting by clicking on the Zoom button in the toolbar again and choosing “Add a Zoom Meeting”
At any time while adding a Zoom meeting to a calendar event you can edit the settings. Click on the Zoom button and Choose Settings and then choose from the option presented.
Choose to have a unique meeting, or use your personal Zoom room
Choose Additional Security, Video and Audio Settings for unique meetings
Then Click the Update button to change the information in the calendar event
You can also choose the “Remove” option if you no longer wish to have Zoom meeting information in the invitation.
Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu.