California Baptist University - Wireless Internet (WiFi)

California Baptist University - Wireless Internet (WiFi)

The information in this article aims to answer questions you may have regarding Wireless Internet (WiFi) at California Baptist University. WiFi is provided and supported by Information Technology Services.

If you have additional unanswered questions, please contact the Help Desk using any of the following methods:

Who is eligible to use WiFi at CBU?

  • The following groups are eligible to use WiFi:

    • Faculty

    • Staff

    • Adjunct Faculty*

    • Students*

*Eligible for public network only.

What is the WiFi network name (SSID)?

There are two networks, each with a unique purpose:


    1. Purpose: for Staff or Faculty using CBU owned devices.

  2. CBU

    1. Purpose: for all other persons or non CBU owned devices. This includes Adjunct Faculty and students using personal devices on campus

Connect to CBU-SECURE

Connection instructions vary slightly by device type:

CBU issued Windows (domain joined):

  1. Select CBU-SECURE from the wireless SSID options.

  2. Select Use my Windows User Account.


  3. This will fill in user credentials. Select OK.


  4. Select Connect to accept wireless Certificate


  5. You will now be connected to CBU-SECURE


CBU issued Mac (domain joined) or any non domain joined device:

  1. Select CBU-SECURE from the wireless SSID options.

  2. Type cbu\username and password to account.  Then select Join.


  3. Select Continue to accept the wireless certificate.


  4. Enter local User Name and Password to add the wireless certificate to Mac. Select Update Settings.


      1. Note: Your local username and password is typically what you use to login to your Mac.

  5. You will now be connected to CBU-SECURE.