Blackboard Learn - TA Enrollment App

Blackboard Learn - TA Enrollment App

This article overviews the usage of the TA Enrollment App, which allows approved users to enroll TA’s in courses in Blackboard Learn.

Before you begin, collect the following information:

  1. User ID of TA

    1. For active students, this will be their student ID they use to login to Blackboard Learn.

  2. Course ID of course to enroll user in

    1. ex: 2022-FA-UT-ACC250-A

 Course ID Lookup Instructions

  1. Browse to OPS Administration App: http://ops.cbuonline.edu/account/logon?ReturnUrl=%2f

  2. From the top menu, select Academics > Courses.

  3. Enter the course discipline or a course number, then select Search.

    1. Ex: ACC for Accounting.

    2. Ex: ACC250 for Accounting 250.

      1. If you aren’t sure what the course discipline code or course number is, please consult:

        1. Public University Course Catalog: http://catalog.calbaptist.edu/content.php?catoid=16&navoid=1201

        2. InsideCBU University Course Catalog Course Schedule search tool: https://insidecbu.calbaptist.edu/ICS/Academics/Course_Schedules.jnz

  4. Collect the information in Course No and Session columns.

    1. Ex: ACC250-A and 2022 FA UT


  5. Format the CourseID as Session + Course No , using dashes “-” instead of spaces.

    1. Ex: 2022-FA-UT-ACC250-A

 TA Enrollment Instructions

Complete the following to enroll the TA in a course. Only one TA can be enrolled in one course at a time. For example, if multiple TA’s are in one course, you must complete the form once per TA. Similarly, if the same TA is to be enrolled in multiple courses, one form would be needed for each course.

  1. Log in to the TA Enrollment App: https://apps.powerapps.com/play/e/default-d49f2cc1-1f59-4495-96c2-c72e31678766/a/0750b693-5b0f-4276-8a5e-35cb4d0bb657?tenantId=d49f2cc1-1f59-4495-96c2-c72e31678766&source=portal

  2. Select the “+” icon in the top right-hand corner.

  3. Fill out each required field:

    1. userID: Enter the TA’s UserID

    2. courseID: Enter the courseID the TA should be enrolled in

    3. Requester: Enter your university email address

      1. Ex: yhale@calbaptist.edu

    4. Approver: Enter your university email address

      1. Ex: yhale@calbaptist.edu

    5. courseRoleID: Student_Teaching_Assistant

  4. Select the check-mark icon in the top right-hand corner to submit your TA enrollment request.


The enrollment is processed in Blackboard learn every hour, at the top of the hour. Please allow up to 10 minutes past the hour for the enrollment to be live for the TA.

 Additional help

For additional questions or concerns on this TA enrollment process, please submit a request to Information Technology Services via email at helpdesk@calbaptist.edu . Your request will be routed to the appropriate team.


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