Blackboard Learn - Course Template Syllabus Access

Blackboard Learn - Course Template Syllabus Access

The information in this article highlights accessing a syllabus in Blackboard Learn for privileged users at California Baptist University. Blackboard as an educational tool is provided and supported by Information Technology Services in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Center.

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Access Production Template Syllabus

Users with privileged access may review and download course syllabi using the following steps:

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, select Admin.

  2. Under heading Courses, select Courses.

  3. Search for a course using the provided methods.

    1. Example 1:

      1. Course ID contains ACC 250

    2. Example 2:

      1. Course ID not blank.

  4. Select the blue text Course ID to view the course.

  5. In the top right-hand corner of the course view, select the Enter Student Preview Icon

  6. Select the Syllabus menu item in the left-hand course menu.

  7. Select all syllabus text using the click, hold, and drag method.

    1. Left-click before the start of the text, and hold the click.

    2. Drag your mouse to the bottom right hand corner of the document, past the last line of text, capturing all the document’s text. Then, release the mouse click.

    3. Press CTRL+C to copy the text.

      1. Example:

  8. Open a blank Microsoft Word document

  9. Press CTRL+V to paste the text.

  10. Save the Word document as needed.

  11. When complete, select Exit Preview > Delete the preview user and all data (recommended). Then select Continue.